well so much for that!

After my excitement about maybe going to Star Wars Celebration next year in my last post, today I have to let all of the air out of the room. Since then all the 5 day passes have sold out, as well as Saturday only. We were going to have to wait on tickets til we got Chase’s bonus at the end of the year if we decided to go, and seeing the normal Celebration ticket sales in the past, that didn’t seem like a problem. But I guess it was.

So our options are:
1. Don’t go, cancel hotel. The most likely scenario at this point.
2. Try to buy tickets from people who can’t go – which, if we were only trying to find 2, might not be sooo bad. But we’d also need one for Kevin, and one also maybe for Ash and maybe one for Scott, too. Trying to wrangle up 5 tickets would be pain in the butt. If Reedpop will even let you transfer them, who knows.
3. Just go Thurs, Fri, Sun and Mon. Seen a few people suggest this. But with the way our travel schedule would have had to have been (drive in Thursday, drive home Monday), that leaves Monday out, Thursday is only a partial day and we would have to spend Friday morning switching hotels. So that only leaves Sunday as the only full, uninterrupted day at the con and that’s not worth the trouble, especially given the outrageous cost.

So I guess that’s that. Shouldn’t have let myself get so excited!

This weekend was NONSTOP work on the house. But we’re almost at the finish line. I am so freaking tired.
House is pretty much empty. The only things left are essentials. We cleaned, de-personalized, and photographed the house this weekend for the listing.

Living room!

Totally empty master bedroom!

Prop/Guest room!

I thought this part would be easy but it wasn’t. Lots of moving stuff out of shots and then back in, finding things to clean or fix.

We also got my sewing room, both bathrooms, Chase’s office, the hallway, kitchen, entryway and laundry room (and the outside of the house) all photographed too.

One other thing we did was paint our entryway. We spoke to a friend of my aunt and uncle’s who flips houses and he gave us some advice, including repainting any bright colours to a neutral. The only really bright colour we had left was the entryway.

I still really loved the teal. The mudroom’s (to the left) blue has faded and turned kinda gross over time, so I was excited to get rid of that. But sad to lose the teal.

Got both rooms finished Sunday but didn’t think to take a pic. We still need to paint trim and doors white to match the rest of the house.

My sewing room was looking pretty bare, too.

Chase wouldn’t let me keep the Chewbacca room in there for photos.

The only break we got from house stuff this weekend was having Friday dinner and Saturday lunch with Derek and Beth (who were in town for the weekend) and Chris and Marisa. Saturday lunch was ikea so we picked up a few plants for staging the photos. And yesterday we had a cookout with my parents, that was nice.

SEWING! I don’t have a lot to show. I’ve struggled with these dang sleeves for a week now. I think I finally got it right.

Ignore where I’ve got to pick out all the threads from previous attempts. I think it’s finally sitting correctly at the right spot. It’s machine sewn up til about the armpit area and then hand-sewn around to the front at the moment. I’m scared to put it back thru the machine because that seems to be when I start snagging little wrinkles.

I got the other sleeve pinned on mirroring the first one.

I’m hoping tonight I can get them both sewn on and FINISHED… but I need to go to Joanns tonight to get some lining so we’ll see how I feel after that.

New art stuff! 2 more Clone Wars Padmes I didn’t do in the original run.

Green apartment dress:

And since she wears this same dress, just in silver, in other scenes, I just recoloured it to stand in for that.

And finally this one!

I don’t remember watching this episode (I only watched the 3d one sporadically) and I only had waist-length refs of this one saved, so when I went looking for screencaps I was surprised to see it was pants! It made me like this costume so much more since she so rarely wears pants, it made it a bit more interesting.

I’ve got 5 (maybe 6) more Padmes to finish.
And I’ve got to get to a stopping point with Crait Leia to focus on repairs/finishings for ABC. I need to finish hemming my TFA Leia underdress, fix my Bespin Leia sleeve, do some repairs to the pink Georgian (not sure I’m wearing it but i want to have it ready), and finish fixing my Tinkerbell wings. I should make a to-do list…